Pain based on pre-operative levels
Respiratory Rate
- 0 = < 10% increase
- 1 = < 50% increase
- 2 = < 100% increase
- 3 = > 100% increase
Heart Rate
- 0 = < 10% increase
- 1 = < 50% increase
- 2 = < 100% increase
- 3 = > 100% increase
- 0 = cooing, standing on perch, feathers normal, preening
- 1 = cooing, not standing on perch, or feathers ruffled
- 2 = quiet, not standing on perch and feathers ruffled
- 3 = huddled, not preening, anorexic, unwilling to move
Body Weight
- 0 = < 5% weight loss
- 1 = <10% weight loss
- 2 = < 15% weight loss
- 3 = > 15% but < 20% weight loss
- 4 = >20% weight loss