pain in animals checklist

Animals experience pain just like people do, and it is likely your pet will experience a painful event at some point in their life with you. Being able to recognise the first signs that your pet is experiencing pain will enable you to seek appropriate support to minimize their suffering and identify and treat the cause.

Behavior changes associated with pain are species dependent but also very variable.
Common signs of pain are:

  • Decreased activity such as unwillingness to accompany on walks or play, difficulty going up or down stairs, reluctance to jump onto as higher surfaces as normal (cats), slow to stand after laying down.
  • Changes in their mood, personality and everyday behavior, such as being more anxious or fearful, becoming antisocial and distant, being grumpy and intolerant to other animals and people.
  • Decreased appetite and interest in food.
  • Over grooming or licking a particular areas on their body or in the environment.

If you notice any of these signs, please contact your veterinarian or find an IVAPM pain practitioner.

Strategic Partner Checklists for Dogs

Strategic Partner Checklists for Cats

Learn more from IVAPM Past President, Dr. Jennifer Johnson, about your animal's pain and what you can do to help your pets live longer and healthier lives.

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