Pain Scale for Baboons

  1. Observe animal from a distance
  2. Observe animal from cage side
  3. Do you note the following observations in the criteria outlined below?
  • If ‘yes’ to one of the following, the baboon may be in pain. Repeat assessment in 30 minutes and if symptoms persist, treat accordingly.
  • If ‘yes’ to more than one of the following, the baboon is likely to be in pain and an analgesia plan should be developed and the animal treated accordingly.


  • Quiet, sitting calm, being groomed or grooming friend or sitting with baby
  • Lying down more than normal but responding to other animals passing by
  • Sitting in same spot, crouching or huddling
  • Moving around restlessly


  • Normal
  • Reduced
  • Increased


  • Shiny, coat flat, pink face
  • Mothy, hairs standing up, bold areas in coat, face pale
  • Greasy, dirty, coat smeared with feces


  • Normal
  • Depressed, crouching or huddling, not eating or eating less or very slow
  • Obsessive, licking, picking or scratching, not eating or eating less
  • Aggressive


  • Normal
  • Extremely shy or hiding, not coming for treats
  • Aggressive (or other animals overly protective and aggressive towards human)


  • Abnormal signs like teeth grinding; screaming


  • Obvious increased respiratory frequency
  • Coughing
  • Breathing with open mouth, difficulty breathing

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